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Showing posts from May, 2016

We're All Crazy Here

The thing about totally losing your mind is that it takes so damn long to find it again. Even when you think you may have finally rounded it all up, it's really difficult to know how to put it back again neatly.  Like trying to stuff a double duvet into a single duvet cover. I never thought I'd find myself blogging about  this, because I had so many other fish to fry. I wanted to start tilting at windmills once again, and fighting the good fight, and speaking out  But I couldn't. Because I couldn't admit that actually, I couldn't. Because I haven't been fixed yet. People were tactful and supportive when, in May last year, I finally lost the plot completely, But no-one can go on being tactful and supportive indefinitely. It is a very finite state.  Making Allowances wears a bit thin after a while too. So you try to remember who you were when you were well. Then you remember that while you may have switched off all the lights last May, you'd