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Showing posts from June, 2016

What I Couldn't Convey in 140 characters.

If it were just that I saw a teaser from Michael Moore's latest film, I could have fitted that in, and still made tea. If it were the joyous news that I feel vindicated I could have conveyed that with the help of Victorian punctuation (scads of exclamation marks) and exclamations to put before them. But neither of those really address the point,: - which is that this deserves to go viral and all the committees, and the panels, and the interest groups and the Departments (those with the capital d - like health, anti-social behaviour, mental health, education,) should be made to hand in their cell-phones and secretaries and advisors at the door, and be made to sit down and watch this. And then answer questions from the public. I would think that most of us know that Finland has a pretty good education system.  But even if not, have you ever met a Finn who couldn't speak English, who wasn't well informed about world affairs, who didn't love to laugh - with or withou