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Showing posts from February, 2017

Help. I'm a Celebrity in the White House. Get Me Outta Here.

When the phrase 'resistance fatigue' sprang into life everyone who heard it for the first time knew instantly what it meant. It's only been a fortnight and having to adjust to dystopia, we are learning, appears to require a rather longer period of adjustment than that. But in other places people are having to go through exactly the same process AND dodge bombs. I'm aware that people on blogs and in columns are pointing out the advisedness of getting an overall perspective of how both Brexit and Drumph fit into a global context. But it isn't, really, a conversation that's going on in Macdonalds, is it?  Whereas Drumph is.  And this is where individual media face the same basic choice: - their business is to sell  product.  Either of the Big Two are what gets the most clicks and thus their product will sell well. It's part of any rational business policy to make the largest profit.  And pay the best wages. A funny caption on a Trump pic. will ge