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Showing posts from January, 2021


  The last blog I put out was treated with icy British disdain by the general public; who stayed away from it in droves (Well, ok: in larger droves than usual). They didn't even click on to it. They simply read the title and strap-line, thought "Eeeuww!" and kept on scrolling down for something more wholesome. What had I done? Had I f-bombed them in unceasing assaults? Had I perhaps given altogether TMI about my uterus - currently prolapsing away even as we speak? Did I tell the story of my twat-tatt? Had I, in my abysmal ignorance (ye gods, not again. Please!) made bold and airy use of some word which is anathema in every corner of the British Isles? Unfortunately, it turned out to be the latter. And the word - which by now, doubtless, you'll be agog to know?  I have no way of whispering it gently into your shell-like to reduce its loathsomeness slightly. I must throw it down like a gauntlet. Yet I'll present it prettily as I can. The word that must not be named,