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Showing posts from March, 2021
 Anyone who knows me at all will know two things about me: I resist labelling ; and I detest jargon . Which is rather unfortunate. Because, at the moment I feel like I'm trapped inside the box of my flat drowning in a sea of both; and will be discovered one day strangled by the strings of all those labels, with a note saying "I have ceased to conform within the paradigms which constitute proof of life." It's fortunate that, after those dark years of thinking I would never again be normal, I at last came out of the fog. It was miraculous and freeing, and opened the world up for the first time in 6 years. And then we went into Lockdown. And I realised I would never be normal. Now it might surprise anyone who knows me that I have always dreamt about being able to pass unnoticed through a crowd. To walk into a gathering and to be able to join in with what everyone else was talking about. To have shared the same experiences. The same cultural background. And to know automa