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           Mrs. Simpson's Regency Journal.                                     September 20, 1831.                                               The Vile Slum in Brighton   After I had writ in my journal the last time, it did strike me, of a sudden, that whosoever doth read these pages after me, might not be abiding in Brighton and may not know of our Dark Heart. For such it be: a-pulsing away right in the middle of our town and not even suspicioned  by most gentlefolk. Or not considered to be a suitable subject of conversation by those who do know of it. ‘Tis the area known as Pimlico. Though it was already a blot and a shame upon this town by the time we moved here from Tunbridge Wells, folk say it came quickly about, once people had to leave tied cottages; and could no longer rely on being able to eat all year round. Because the same folk as had tended the land for generations,  were being turned away for cheaper, convict labourers.  Well of course they drifted in to the town wh

re cycling

                      The Brighton & Hove Circular Economy                   Action Plan 2020 - 2035 This jargon-filled mission statement regarding recycling is published by Council. Full of momentary fashionable misuse of perfectly simple but unexplained concepts such as 'stakeholders' and 'circular economy', it is not aimed at local residents, small business and shop owners, those for whom English is a second language, or, importantly, the 'average' person . It is a mangled word-fest presumably aimed at other Councils, as was so much of Brighton & Hove Council's public communication under the previous administration. So as is usual with many of Councils "public" documents, two thirds of the population are confused - and bored stiff - by them; others are intimidated, and still oth