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Showing posts from August, 2015

"It's Political Correctness Gone Mad!!"

The next time I hear those words I’m determined I’m just going to let myself give in to the giggle. Because amongst my colleagues, it’s become an ironic descriptive phrase for a certain kind of people. A political-correctness-gone-mad person can be from any level of society and from any age/gender demographic.  Though they do seem to be the most prolific within the ‘Boomer generation. However, one thing they  seem to have in common is that they don’t appear to have a very firm grasp on what political correctness actually is . Which would tend to make one think that the ability to judge what form PCGM takes when it goes mad, is a little impaired. It occurred to me to-day when someone, only about 60% joking, responded to something I’d written  in an email with “ It’s a good job it’s only me you’re talking to !!! At least I know you aren’t really racist!!!” What she (obviously) had thought was very un-PC and almost-racist was that I had written that, every week when