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Showing posts from January, 2017

Oh. The Humanity.

                                                          Have you ever wished there was a way of capturing the past (and The Past) in a hologram and replaying it as it really was? Not just so you could see who really took the garbage out last bin-day. But so we could see how things really were, as opposed to how generations of male scholars have moulded it? Have you ever yearned for a machine which could see into the earth as underwater cameras do? Have you ever speculated about a device which would transfer your thoughts to a manuscript page without your having to voice or write them? Well tough titty to anyone who ever has had any of these kinds of thoughts, because if you dream any of these dreams chances are most of you are engaged in the Humanities . And it's a wonderful time to be working in the Humanities, because with the rise of modern technology, sharing our dreams has led to advances which benefit society in all sectors. But as from Saturday 21st January